Mission Statement
Contact Us
Below you will find copies of the Pet-sitting, Dog-walking, and Training contracts so you can see what you're getting into before you sign. They are subject to change at any time. Current clients may find some subtle changes in the contracts posted here (as I update them as I gain experience), and can at any time sign a new contract, but the basic concepts contained herein are the same.

We also complete a Client Checklist before each pet-sitting, dog-walking, or training, but content varies widely based on the specific services you request, so I will not post them here. They do not constitute a contract, but rather an information document that I keep updated as procedures change in your household.


“Artemis” refers to both the business Artemis Animal Care and Training and to its owners, Jennifer Mitchell and Timothy Showalter. All animal care duties are performed by Jennifer Mitchell only. “I” refers to the client/pet owner.

Artemis will perform the duties as requested and outlined in my Client Checklist. A copy of the finished form will be e-mailed to me after the initial consultation. Revisions may be made in writing (via e-mail is ok). Artemis will also keep my house key(s) unmarked and in a safe location. My home will be re-keyed at no cost to me in the event that Artemis loses my key(s).
Artemis will contact me for approval of a replacement product. If I am unavailable, Artemis will purchase the nearest facsimile thereof to the best of their ability. I will reimburse Artemis for the cost of the purchase (including tax) plus a $5 fee to cover gas and time to and from the pet store.

Artemis will not transport pets without a proper pet carrier. If one is not provided by me for each pet, then Artemis will not be held liable for any harm done to my property or my pet(s) due to illness of, injury to, or death of the pet(s), in the event that Artemis determines they cannot safely transport the animal. If the animal is transported without means of restraint, and injury occurs, then I will be responsible for the $500 off-leash deductible from Artemis’ insurance, Pet Sitters LLC.

As the guardian of the pet(s) indicated in the Client Checklist, I understand Artemis will exercise due care to protect the health and safety of my pet(s) while in their care. In the event my pet(s) becomes ill or sustains injury, I have given permission for those in charge to take whatever steps are necessary to obtain medical treatment for my pet(s) and I agree to pay all charges incurred. I consent to any veterinarian being retained to render care for my pet(s) if the veterinarian or facility outlined by me in the Client Checklist are for some reason unavailable. I give permission to Artemis to approve treatment up to $_____________. I will assume full responsibility upon my return for payment and/or reimbursement for veterinary services rendered up to the above stated amount. I assume all risk to injury to my pet while in the hands of Artemis or in transportation to any veterinarian clinic, so long as reasonable care is taken to prevent any unnecessary injury, death or loss.

Pet behavior can never be predicted with absolute certainty. I understand that Artemis cannot be held responsible for things that are beyond their control. I understand, for example, that my pet(s) is going to be alone for long periods of time, and thus may soil the house or be destructive, and that Artemis is not liable for these damages, though Artemis will do their best to mitigate any damages caused from these circumstances by cleaning up any soil as soon as it is detected and by notifying me of any property destruction as soon as possible.

As matter of common sense and problem prevention, I will safely store any valuables or sentimental items. If items are damaged by my pet(s) or by other means due to no negligence on the part of Artemis, Artemis is under no obligation to reimburse me for the damaged items.

Only cleaning supplies approved and supplied by me will be used in my house and on my property for cleaning up after my pet(s). Artemis will clean any pet messes upon finding them to the best of their ability. Artemis will not be held liable for any damages to property resulting from trying to clean up messes caused by the pet(s) provided that Artemis follows the instructions in the Client Checklist, uses only cleaning materials provided by me, and follows the instructions on the cleaning supplies. If appropriate cleaning supplies are not provided by me, Artemis will not be held liable for any damages caused by unattended or improperly cleaned pet messes.

Artemis will not sell, trade, or give away any personal information provided to them by me. This includes information provided via e-mail, in writing, by phone, or in person, and includes all addresses and contact information, veterinary and medical information, and pet information.

This agreement is valid starting on the date below whenever Artemis cares for my pet(s).

Owner's Signature: ________________________Date: ____________________

Owner's Name (please print):___________________


While on walks and on a leash, my dog(s) may interact with the following, other than Artemis:

____        All Dogs
____        Only Small Dogs
____        All Dogs EXCEPT (breed) ___________________
____        No Dogs
____        Other:        ________________________________________________

____        All People
____        Adults Only
____        Adults and Teens Only
____        Children Only (with parent permission/supervision)
____        Nobody
____        All People EXCEPT People with Dogs
____        Other:        ___________________________________________

While at a dog park, I understand my dog(s) may interact with other dogs and people of varying sizes, ages and personalities, and I understand that since my dog will be off leash, even though the location is fenced in, some risks may occur, including injury to my dog or injury caused by my dog, and, since my dog will be off leash, these things may occur before Artemis has a chance to intervene. In the event of injury, the $500 off-leash deductible from Artemis’ insurance will be paid by me. Knowing this, I give Artemis permission to take my dog to a dog park on the dates indicated in the Client Checklist:
Y____                N____


“Artemis” refers to both the business Artemis Animal Care and Training and to its owners, Jennifer Mitchell and Timothy Showalter. All animal care duties are performed by Jennifer Mitchell only. “I” refers to the client/pet owner.

Artemis will walk the following pets for the following period of time as delineated by me:

Pet Name                        Breed                                Duration of walk

A copy of this finished form will be e-mailed to me after the initial consultation. Revisions may be made in writing (via e-mail is ok). Artemis will also keep my house key(s) unmarked and in a safe location. My home will be re-keyed at no cost to me in the event that Artemis loses my key(s).

Artemis will not feed my pet(s) anything except what I have authorized or provided. Artemis will not transport pets without a proper pet carrier. If one is not provided by me for each pet, then Artemis will not be held liable for any harm done to my property or my pet(s) due to illness of, injury to, or death of the pet(s), in the event that Artemis determines they cannot safely transport the animal. If the animal is transported without means of restraint, and injury occurs, then I will be responsible for the $500 off-leash deductible from Artemis’ insurance, Pet Sitters LLC.

As the guardian of the pet(s) indicated above, I understand Artemis will exercise due care to protect the health and safety of my pet(s) while in their care. In the event my pet(s) becomes ill or sustains injury, I have given permission for Artemis to take whatever steps are necessary to obtain medical treatment for my pet(s) and I agree to pay all charges incurred. I consent to any veterinarian being retained to render care for my pet(s) if the veterinarian or facility outlined below by me are for some reason unavailable.

Approved Veterinarian/Facility        Address                        Phone Number

Emergency Veterinarian/Facility        Address                        Phone Number

I give permission to Artemis to approve treatment up to $_____________. I will assume full responsibility upon my return for payment and/or reimbursement for veterinary services rendered up to the above stated amount. I assume all risk to injury to my pet while in the hands of Artemis or in transportation to any veterinarian clinic, so long as reasonable care is taken to prevent any unnecessary injury, death or loss.

As matter of common sense and problem prevention, I will safely store any valuables or sentimental items. If items are damaged by my pet(s) or by other means due to no negligence on the part of Artemis, Artemis is under no obligation to reimburse me for the damaged items.

Artemis will not sell, trade, or give away any personal information provided to them by me. This includes information provided via e-mail, in writing, by phone, or in person, and includes all addresses and contact information, veterinary and medical information, and pet information.

This agreement is valid starting on the date below whenever Artemis cares for my pet(s).

Owner's Signature: ________________________Date: ____________________

Owner's Name (please print):___________________

Address:        ________________________________________________________


While on walks and on a leash, my dog(s) may interact with the following, other than Artemis:

____        All Dogs
____        Only Small Dogs
____        All Dogs EXCEPT(breed) ___________________
____        No Dogs
____        Other:        ________________________________________________

____        All People
____        Adults Only
____        Adults and Teens Only
____        Children Only (with parent permission/supervision)
____        Nobody
____        All People EXCEPT People with Dogs
____        Other:        ___________________________________________

While at a dog park, I understand my dog(s) may interact with other dogs and people of varying sizes, ages and personalities, and I understand that since my dog will be off leash, even though the location is fenced in, some risks may occur, including injury to my dog or injury caused by my dog, and, since my dog will be off leash, these things may occur before Artemis has a chance to intervene. In the event of injury, the $500 off-leash deductible from Artemis’ insurance will be paid by me. Knowing this, I give Artemis permission to take my dog to a dog park on the dates indicated in the Client Checklist:
Y____                N____


“Artemis” refers to both the business Artemis Animal Care and Training and to its owners, Jennifer Mitchell and Timothy Showalter. All training duties are performed by Jennifer Mitchell only. “I” refers to the client/pet owner.

I hereby retain Artemis to coach me in training my pet ___________________________ named __________________, under the following terms and conditions.

Sessions. Sessions last approximately one hour. If more help is needed, that will be provided at an additional charge of $15 per 15 minute block. Additional time will only be billed if the time is requested by me. If Artemis volunteers the extra time, there will be no extra charge. If I am late, however, and do not make a good faith effort to reschedule by an hour before the scheduled session time, I will still be billed for Artemis’ time. Training usually takes between six and eight weeks but may be longer or shorter in some cases. Sessions are provided on an at-need basis. I am not obligated to continue training sessions for any minimum number of sessions. This contract may be cancelled by either party at any time. If a partial session is completed, however, I am responsible to pay for the full 60 minute session.

Cancellation or Rescheduling. Artemis will make every effort to call me if they need to cancel or reschedule the session. I understand that emergencies sometimes occur. I will not be billed for any session that is cancelled by Artemis, or by me if it is done so in a timely manner as described above.

Maintenance of Goals. I recognize that training sessions do not necessarily train the pet directly, but instead coach me to train my pet according to skills conveyed and homework provided. In order for my pet to perform behaviors I request, the following must occur:

•        I must understand the basic principles of training (this will be explained and provided by Artemis).
•        I must apply the basic principles of training.
•        I must not interact with my pet in a way that rewards bad behavior and/or punishes good behavior.
•        I must train my pet daily (or at least every other day), preferably in several small sessions per day, using the techniques and suggestions provided by Artemis.
•        I must not make behavior requests that I am not ready to reinforce if my pet performs the behavior.  

Artemis will help me clarify my training goals, provide a training plan, and guide me toward reaching my training goals with my pet using a variety of techniques, including demonstration, observation, critique, encouragement, and oral and written education.

Guarantee.   Artemis does not guarantee training results.   Much of the training is going to be done by me.   Artemis cannot control whether I follow their advice, do the homework, am consistent outside of training sessions, and many other factors.  

Health.  I am responsible to make sure my pet is healthy and has had all required vaccinations before training begins.

Liability.  All behavioral advice and training suggestions are provided at my own risk. Use of this information is voluntary. Artemis is not responsible for injury to another human or animal through the use of this information.  I am at all times responsible for the actions of my pet.  Artemis is not responsible for any injuries to human or animal, or expenses resulting from socialization, desensitization or training.   Pets and people participating in training may be injured from biting, running, falling, etc.  I hereby indemnify and hold harmless Artemis.  By the same token, Artemis hereby indemnifies and holds harmless me, as the pet owner, for any injuries caused to Artemis by my pet.

A copy of this finished form will be e-mailed to me after the initial consultation at my request.  Revisions may be made in writing (via e-mail is ok).  

For the safety of my pet, Artemis will not feed my pet anything except what I have authorized or provided.  

Artemis will not sell, trade, or give away any personal information provided to them by me.   This includes information provided via e-mail, in writing, by phone, or in person, and includes all addresses and contact information, veterinary and medical information, and pet information.

This agreement is valid starting on the date below whenever Artemis trains my pet.  

Owner's Signature: ________________________Date: ____________________

Owner's Name (please print):___________________